Monday, June 23, 2008

I Don't Give a Bleep-About Viagra Commercials


What is up with all these strange commercials? It was taboo years ago to even remotely discuss sex much less men who can't "get it up." I was embarrased when tampon and kotex commercials came on television. Now, we have "impotency" commercials. I guess it is good for those men who do suffer from this medical complication.

However, when you are sitting at the dinner table with your children (and hey the television maybe playing in the background) and the "Cialis" commercial comes on,what do you do when little Johnny says, "Mom what is penile erectile dysfunction?" Do you simply say, "Johnny pass the cream corn," you are too you to understand? Or do you go into this full blown explanation that some men grow older and then their penis stops getting hard?

Well whatever the reply I am just sick of the commercials. I am sick of tampon and kotex commercials too though. I am sure when you are PMSing you don't want to be cramping and seeing someone playing tennis on television stating how much "fun" they are having because their Midol kicked in.


The Times Observer said...

That's nothing. I was shocked to discover last night while watching TV that Trojan has made some type of condom for a woman's finger to "relax herself" if you get my meaning.

My wife and I couldn't believe it.

Anonymous said...

Loved the video.