Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I don't Give a Bleep about not eating Carbs

STOP TELLING ME TO STOP EATING CARBS..I love carbs. Why are folks so worried about what "others" are saying about them. I love Carbs, Carbs are my friends and Idon'tgiveableep who doesn't like the fact I am eating them.

I feel like a couch potato today

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiJ4GlgGhI2SZ2Nh5_2lTjO2TKsuA15tUwyqDNvLA9XKQ2xSSXJULPLrqekzpPVryX6MJzgKY9oWMy_8jz3KrllVP82PT6RyXNLBoUjgmnQ10xhICdtfbE5oYQw_W_HPNn8_i7rvLGtrZN3/s400/couch-potato.jpgBelow is a picture of my dream date. God I love this guy, He so fine. He is very "sweet" on me..Don't hate, congratulate


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