Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Don't Give a Bleep About-ButterPopcorn

What is the big deal with all that artificial, cholestral, heart attack butter they put on Movie Popcorn. I mean why not just use "real" butter and kill us already? I went to the movies the other day and I swear folks don't know the term, "just a little."

I asked for a "little butter" on my popcorn. I swear the little pre teen just let the faucet open and just drowned every kernel. Then it was salty too. Yuck! I had to just take the whole dang Scott towel roll to sop the oil up. It was leaking on the way to the seat.

Yup, I will be the first one to sign the OUTLAW FAKE butter at the theaters. Better yet, why don't they just let me bring my own bag of Orville Redenbacker.

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